Stories, Pictures, and Poetry Set in Nevada’s Past and Present

Hello to all of you who’ve been reading the Imaginary Nevada Travelogue.
I know I promised you a blog a day, but that’s got to be a bit much. The problem is that I got too involved with my characters. I want them to be true to themselves and they are still telling me their story. I’ve got a new publishing schedule to keep me (and those characters) on track.
You can find their stories on the Imaginary Travelogue menu tag. I hope the stories are easier to find with this new website organization scheme.
See you Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays with new stories.
Read on to see what else you can find at Nevada Narratives.
Hello everyone who keeps Nevada in their hearts and imagination.
Here you can connect with the landscape and with people who share their stories set in the state.
In a way, this blog is an experiment. At the moment, I see it as a continually publishing online magazine for readers and writers.
I will be posting some of my own stories but I also want to showcase the work of others who are driven to write about Nevada. Right now, I’m leaning toward memoir pieces, essays, biographical stories, poetry, or other forms that highlight a sense of Nevada.
My current project is An Imaginary Nevada Travelogue in the Age of Pandemic.
It will be a series of thirty-one posts indulging my (and hopefully your) desire to roam during this time of “lock-down”.
I hope the writing in Nevada Narratives will reflect the impact of living in an arid state that was once thought of mainly as an obstacle to people moving west to California.
Today, most Nevadans live in cities and towns that separate them from the surrounding desert. The desert itself doesn’t easily yield to human domination but I hope this blog will yield accounts of human experiences in Nevada’s cities, towns, and deserts.
Writers: Use the Contact Me page to send your thoughts. I’m eager to hear your ideas and hopefully feature much of your writing on this site.
Readers: Keep encouraging this blog and its writers by subscribing, reading, and commenting. I also urge you to think about writing here too.
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Suzanne Stormon
The Stories
Let Pyramid Lake Wash Away the Tears by Suzanne Stormon
An Imaginary Road-trip in the Age of Pandemic by Suzanne Stormon
At The Buffet: A Reno Story by Suzanne Stormon
I Had a Brother A Poem By Ken Adams and a Reflection by Suzanne Stormon
Life on Buffalo Mountain – Episode 2 by Mark Stormon
Non-Wedding in Nevada by Suzanne Stormon
Nevada Masons Rededicate Grand Lodge
A Different Type of Ghostwriting by Suzanne Stormon
A Three-Hour Drive Brings Love by David Kotzebue
Nevada Narratives Poetry Contest Winner
Gambling Decoys: Shills, Proposition Players by Doresa Banning
A Poet’s Impressions of Reno by James Dilworth
I Have Known Many Winds by MaiLynn Stormon-Trinh
Dayton, Nevada Home Of Footraces, Snowshoe Rescues And Ghostly Encounters by Ken Adams
Ghost Dance by Suzanne Stormon
A Virginia City Wedding by Jeanne Marie Olin
Making Friends And Change At The Overland by Suzanne Stormon
Adventures at Pyramid Lake by Suzanne Stormon
The first episode of Life on Buffalo Mountain by Mark Stormon
Leadbelly: A Girl and Her Dog, by Suzanne Stormon, tells the story of how the author came to Nevada as a young adult escapee from Southern California.
It was great to share sometime together last week. I love this idea and look forward to contributing. I’ve subscribed and confirmed the subscription. Now, how do I log in and set a password? I didn’t see a prompt.
Hi Steve, Good to have you here. I’m looking forward to some of your writing. You don’t need to log in; that’s just for administrators.
what a great site, and so many stories yet to be told! I subscribed my husband, Laird Blackwell, and I want to subscribe too, but the link won’t let me. My email will be below. Thanks!
Melinda, I would love to see some of your stories. I bet you have some great ones based on your business mixing horses with people for what looks like transformative experiences. You might have some other stories too. I see you made it into my subscribers list, but I don’t see your husband. Maybe try to sign him up again and let me know if it still doesn’t work.
I have a punditry poem about the Bundy’s, but I don’t know if that’s off limits.
Good to hear from you. Why don’t you send it in? Does it tell a Nevada story? I know they’ve been active other places lately. I’ll take a look.